Profile file
This file contains the sensitive settings for the application. At run-time is is merged with the config.yml
information which contains the associated non-sensitive values. See the example below for a sample with detailed comments that explain the use of each configuration setting in the file.
# Environment/Deployment Configuration
- name: dev # Specifies the environment or deployment profile (e.g., dev, prod). NOTE this must match the profile in the config.yml file
- model: gpt-4o # Model being deployed (GPT-4)
api_key: "12345abcd67890xyz" # Example API key for accessing the GPT-4 model
base_url: "" # Example base URL for the model deployment API
# Chat History Configuration
database_connection_string: "AccountEndpoint=;AccountKey=yourcosmosdbkey;"
# Example connection string for Cosmos DB to store chat history (used only for Cosmos)
# Azure Search Services Configuration
- service: default # Defines the default Azure search service
key: "AZURE_SEARCH_API_KEY" # Example API key for the Azure search service
# Azure SQL Services Configuration
database_connection_string: "<Your Connection String>"
# Chainlit Configuration
enable: true # Enables Chainlit integration
enable: true # Enables authentication for Chainlit
github_secret: "your_github_secret_key" # Example GitHub secret key for OAuth authentication
github_client_id: "your_github_client_id" # Example GitHub client ID for OAuth authentication
# Web Configuration
username: "admin_user" # Example username for basic authentication
password: "super_secure_password" # Example password for basic authentication