A. Enterprise Enrollment and Azure AD Tenants
1. Planning for Enterprise Enrollment
An Enterprise Enrollment, often referred to as the Enterprise Agreement, represents the commercial relationship between Microsoft and the customer regarding their use of Azure. It provides the basis for billing across all customer subscriptions and therefore has an impact on administration of the customer estate. Enterprise enrollment is managed via Azure enterprise (also referred to as EA) portal. Azure enterprise enrollment often represent organisational hierarchy such as Departments, Accounts and subscription. These hierarchy represent cost enrollment groups within an organisation.
Figure 1 – EA Enrollment Hierarchy
Departments help you segment costs into logical groupings. Departments enable you to set a budget or quota at the department level (Note: quota is not hard enforcement but rather used for reporting purpose). Accounts are organizational units in the Azure Enterprise portal. You can use accounts to manage subscriptions and access reports. Subscriptions are the smallest unit in the Azure Enterprise portal. They’re containers for Azure services managed by the service administrator. Subscription is where organisation deploy Azure services.
Enterprise enrollment roles links users with their functional role and consists of
- Enterprise Administrator
- Department Administrator
- Account Owner
- Service Administrator
- Notification Contact
Design Considerations
- The Enrollment provides a hierarchical organizational structure to govern the management of customers subscriptions.
- Multiple customers environments can be separated at an EA account level to support holistic isolation.
- A “Work and School Account” account type is sourced from a company Azure AD tenant and allows enforcing various enterprise security controls, e.g. MFA and Conditional Access. A “Microsoft Account” (MSA) account type is a consumer/personal account and does not support the recommended enterprise security controls.
- There can be multiple administrators appointed to a single enrollment.
- Each Subscription must have an associated Account Owner.
- Each Account owner will be made a subscription owner for any subscriptions provisioned under that account.
- A subscription can only belong to one Account Owner at any given time.
- A subscription can be suspended based on a specified set of criteria.
Design Recommendations
- Only use the authentication type “Work and School Account” for all account types. Avoid using the MSA account type.
- Setup the notification contact email address to ensure notifications are sent to an appropriate group mailbox.
- Assign a budget for each account and establish an alert associated with the budget.
- Organisation can have a variety of structures such as functional, divisional, geographic, matrix or team structure. Leverage organizational structure to map organization structure to enterprise enrollment.
- Create a new department for IT if business domains have independent IT capabilities.
- Restrict and minimize the number of Account Owners within the Enrollment to avoid the proliferation of admin access to Subscriptions and associated Azure resources.
- If multiple Azure AD tenants are used, ensure the Account Owner is associated with the same tenant as where subscriptions for the account are provisioned.
- Setup enterprise Dev/Test/Prod environments at an EA account level to support holistic isolation.
- Do not ignore notification emails sent to the notification account email address. Microsoft sends important EA wide communications to this account.
- Do not move or rename an EA Account in Azure AD.
- Periodically audit EA portal to review who has access.
2. Define Azure AD Tenants
Azure AD Tenant provide identity and access management which is an important part of security posture ensuring that only authenticated and authorized user have access to resources to which they have permission to access. Azure AD not only provide these services to applications and services deployed in Azure but to services and applications also deployed outside Azure (such as on-premesis or third party cloud providers). Azure AD service is also utlized by SaaS application such as Microsoft 365 and Azure Marketplace applications. Organization already using on-premesis active directory can leverage their existing infrastructure and can extend authentication to the cloud by integrating AD with Azure AD. Each Azure AD has one or more domains. A directory can have many subscriptions associated with it, but only one Azure AD tenant.
It is very important that we asked basic security question in design phase of Azure AD such how organization is managing credential, control of human and application access and how to control programatic access.
Design Considerations
- Multiple Azure AD tenants can be leveraged under the same enterprise enrollment.
Design Recommendations
- Leverage Azure AD SSO based on the selected planning topology.
- In case organisation does not have existing identity infrastructure, then it is recommended to start by implementing Azure AD only identity deployment. Such deployment with Azure AD domain services and Enterprise mobility suite provide end to end protection for SaaS & enteprise application as well as devices.
- MFA provides a second barrier of authentication adding another layer of security. It is recommended to enforce MFA and conditional access policies for all privileged accounts to make it more secure. MFA does provide another barrier of authentication but does not stop phishing or social engineering such as hacker taking physical possesion of your phone or Sim Swapping or clonning. It is recommended that MFA should be implemented with device management policy(such as strong pin locking and encryption and erasing device remotely when its lost). Out of band multifactor authentication (such as biometric) is also consider secure form of MFA.
- Plan and implement for emergency access or break-glass accounts to prevent tenant-wide account lockout.
- Use Azure AD priviledged identity management for Identity and access management.
- If Dev/Test/Prod are going to be completely isolated environments from an identity perspective, separate them at a tenant level (i.e. use multiple tenants).
- Avoid creating a new Azure AD tenant unless there is a strong IAM justification and processes are already in-place.