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Introducing the 2024 Advent Calendar

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A month of blog content with new updates everyday through December, AKA Advent Calendar.

November 26, 2024 by stephentulp

Latest Blog Posts

The Future of Bicep Modules using Azure Verified Modules
The Future of Bicep Modules using Azure Verified Modules

azure bicep landingzones

Understand the future evolution of the Common Azure Resource Module Library.

Leveraging a private container registry for Bicep modules
Leveraging a private container registry for Bicep modules

azure bicep landingzones

Consuming Bicep modules from a private Bicep registry using Azure Container Registry.

Address Repetition using Shared Variable File Patterns
Address Repetition using Shared Variable File Patterns

azure bicep landingzones

Layering in shared variable files to Bicep templates.

Loops, Conditions and Conditional Loops
Loops, Conditions and Conditional Loops

azure bicep landingzones

More advanced elements of a Bicep template that allow optimization and options for deployment.

Introducing the .bicepparam file
Introducing the .bicepparam file

azure bicep landingzones

Using dedicated parameter files that can now be Bicep instead of JSON.

The Anatomy of a Bicep Template
The Anatomy of a Bicep Template

azure bicep landingzones

Understanding the various elements that makes up a Bicep template.

Getting Started with Bicep
Getting Started with Bicep

azure bicep landingzones

Installation and setup of Azure Bicep, extensions and best practices to help get you started.

Updated Azure Integration Environments. This could be the Game Changer for Better Standards
Updated Azure Integration Environments. This could be the Game Changer for Better Standards

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Azure is setting the stage for a transformative approach to integration and process management with its public preview of Azure Integration Environment and Business Process Tracking.